First up is Thor
This was one coat over black with topcoat!
Look at all that glitter! There's silver hex and dots, gray hex, red hex and dots, white hex and dots, and some holo glitter in there too.
Next up is Captain America
This is one coat over Zoya Rocky.
This has red, white and blue hex in every size, plus red dots and white stars! Check out those giant blue hex.
Ooops, plus rectangle white glitter!
Next up is Black Widow.
This one is a gorgeous black and red holo glitter bomb! One coat over Color Club Silver Lake.
This is one of my favorites out of the whole collection, I love all the black holo glitter!
This is The Hulk
Okay, this one is my favorite. I love the glitter combo in this so much!
Those dots though. I'm such a sucker for dot glitter, it's insane. Do you know that saying a way to a mans heart is through his stomach? The way to my heart is through dot glitter.
I'm not crazy.
Next is Iron Man.
One coat over NOPI Sweet On Pete. If you have Sweet On Pete then you know it's greener than it's showing here, I don't know why haha.
So. Many. Dots.
Ugh, this one is killing me, it's gorgeous.
Hawkeye is...stunning.
This one. This one right here is my favorite glitter bomb in the collection, maybe the whole world.
My mouth dropped when I saw this one in person. It's simply amazing. This is one coat over Essie Go Ginza.
Do you see that blue flicker over that black dot? It's the iridescent glitter in there, it's subtle but very pretty.
So many different dots, hex, and even squares and stars!
The last one I have to show you is Loki.
This was ONE COAT over China Gkaze Are You Jelly?
One coat. What.
Phew, this was a long post! But oh so worth it.
These will be available tomorrow, January 17, 8 pm EST in Jamie's shop, make sure you follow her on Instagram @kawaiilacquer, and give her a like on Facebook to keep updated!
I don't know anything about the Avengers either, but I love your accent nail and all of these, especially Loki! Gorgeous swatches!