Saturday, November 9, 2013

Legion Lacquer

I've got some swatches to share today from Legion Lacquer. Before I start I have to say that I used a little bit of nail polish thinner for all of these BUT that's because I prefer my nail polish to be thinner than most and I also use very thin coats. 

This is Evergreen With Envy and it's two coats with topcoat. This is seriously the prettiest green I own, and if makes me want to drink peppermint mochas and paint Christmas trees on my nails all day. It's absolutely stunning! Gold shimmer and gold micro glitter, ugh I died over this one! 
Mmm that green though! This has my heart and I might just have to order 10 bottles of it for backups.

This is one coat of In A Galaxy Far, Far Away over OPI Incognito In Sausalito. One coat! Look at all that glitter! I die! There was no fishing or digging for the bigger circles or stars, it all just came out. Perfection. 
So many holo glitters, it's sooo sparkly in person.
There's the shimmer my light box kept eating! It makes your nails look like they're glowing, I've never seen anything so awesome.

Two coats over OPI Vant To Bite My Neck! and Essie Go Ginza as an accent nail with topcoat.
This has holo micro bar glitter and I love it, I thought I hated bar glitter but I love it and can't get enough! 
Butterflies, micro bars, circles, holo glitter, and shimmer. I could not ask for more in a polish. 
Here's the purple shimmer and a little bit of the holo glitters!

This is Sub-Zero Frost, three coats with topcoat. Holo giant circles, be still my beating heart!
A holo eating light box shot.
Out of the 4 polish I received this was my least favorite (but I still loved it!) of the bunch. I loved the mix of glitters, the blue and gold is wonderful and looks so wintery and perfect. But I loved the uniqueness of the previous three so much, it was hard to top those! 

Legion Lacquer is available for purchase through Angela's website:
Make sure you follower her on Instagram (@legionlacquer) for availability and more of her upcoming polishes! 

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