Oh man it feels like it's been so long since I've posted last! I know it hasn't actually been that long but it feels like it haha. I mentioned a few posts back I believe that I had some exciting news an the day has finally come to share! My hubby and I are expecting baby juice box v2.0 in July of next year! I'm so excited to be pregnant again but it's definitely taking it's toll, I've been so tired and queasy lately which explains my lack of posting. I just haven't had time for nails and everything else that needs to get done in the day. I'm only about 8 weeks along so I can't wait for the first trimester to be over so I can be back to semi-normal. Anyways, on to the nails! I have five GORGEOUS jelly polishes from Jessica at Laquered Up.
Sugar Plum Fairy
Sugar Plum Fairy |
Sugar Plum Fairy |
Hello, beautiful! Oh man, this polish. It's a perfect balance between purple and fuchsia plus it has awesome silver flakies! It's a relatively simple combination but it's so stunning on! This took 3 thin coats plus topcoat for opacity.
Berry Flirty
Berry Flirty |
Berry Flirty |
I have a deep seated craving for hot pink polishes and this definitely satisfies that craving. It's squishy and glittery and sparkly. This one has so many different holo glitters, there's silver hex, pink hex, and giant pink holo dots. Love! This one took three coats for opacity. This one did stain my cuticles pink but I have a gel overlay on my nails so I'm unsure if it'll also stain your nails or not. As long as you use a good base coat you shouldn't have any issues, and personally, that color is so worth it.
After Hours
After Hours |
After Hours |
Again this is another perfectly executed jelly which means I love it! I have a weakness for all things jelly and squishy. There's those awesome silver flakies showing up again, as well as dots in small and large sizes. There was a little bit of fishing for the bigger glitters but that's usually par for the course with bigger glitters. Hardcore lacquer heads know that turning the bottle upside down for a bit before application fixes any fishing issues.
Envious |
Envious |
Holy gorgeous green jelly Batman! I'm drooling just looking at these pictures. This green is perfect for Christmas, maybe I'll do a festive mani with it. Anyway, this one was a tad more opaque than the others and you could probably get away with two coats, I did three plus topcoat because I do really thin coats. There's such an interesting mix in this one, there's flakies and gold holo hex and also dark green hex which was a perfect touch to add depth!
Caramel Kisses
Caramel Kisses |
I totally spaced and didn't get a nail macro of this one. I was distracted by the sparklies! But fo real how much like caramel does this look? I just wanna drizzle this on everything, why isn't it edible?!? I used three thin coats plus topcoat for this picture. I love the gold glitters in this, especially those teeny weenie holo hex.
Overall, this was such an awesome selection of polishes. Jessica is a master at the glitter jelly (my ultimate weakness!) so obviously I loved all five of these. I feel so incredibly blessed to have been given the chance to try out some more of her polishes! This makes 7 of hers that I have tried and they have all had such a consistent formula, I'm definitely impressed! If you're interested in purchasing any of these I believe that they're all available in her Etsy store which I will link to below. Thanks for reading!